- Mac how to install ucs platform emulator zip file#
- Mac how to install ucs platform emulator software#
- Mac how to install ucs platform emulator free#
System Requirements Before installing Cisco UCS Platform Emulator, ensure the system meets the following requirements: 2 GB free RAM 8 GB disk space 2ģ New Hardware Features 1.8-GHz single CPU A Mozilla-compatible browser (Firefox or Google Chrome) Java Runtime Environment 1.6 or later. The file size is approximately 490 to 500 MB.
Mac how to install ucs platform emulator zip file#
The filename of the zip file includes the Cisco UCS Platform Emulator release number, such as Cisco_UCS_Platform_Emulator_2.1.1aPE3.zip. Cisco UCS Platform Emulator is delivered as a zip file and as an.ova file. This VM can run a Cisco UCS Manager multichassis, multiblade simulation on a laptop or desktop computer and does not require an internet connection. Cisco UCS Platform Emulator Virtual Machine Packaging Cisco UCS Platform Emulator is packaged as a compact virtual machine (VM) with the CentOS open source Linux distribution. You should recreate a new Cisco UCS Platform Emulator VM with the newest Cisco UCS Platform Emulator version to use the latest features. Note Cisco UCS Platform Emulator, Release 2.1(1aPE3) replaces Release 2.1(1aPE2). For example, you can use Cisco UCS Platform Emulator to create and test a supported Cisco UCS configuration, or to duplicate an existing Cisco UCS environment for troubleshooting or development purposes.
Mac how to install ucs platform emulator software#
The VM includes software that emulates hardware communications for the Cisco Unified Computing System (Cisco UCS) hardware that is configured and managed by Cisco UCS Manager.

Updated: New Software Features, Known Limitations Added: CSCud OL C0 2.1(1aPE3) FebruAdded: CSCud77593, CSCud93243, CSCue20944, CSCud92761, and CSCue Introduction Cisco UCS Platform Emulator is the Cisco UCS Manager application bundled into a virtual machine (VM). Contents This document includes the following sections: Revision History, page 2 Introduction, page 2 New Hardware Features, page 3 New Software Features, page 4 Known Limitations, page 5 Resolved Caveats for Release 2.1(1aPE3), page 6 Open Caveats for Release 2.1(1aPE3), page 6 Related Documentation, page 7 Americas Headquarters: Cisco Systems, Inc., 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA USAĢ Revision History Revision History Table 1 shows the revision history: Table 1 Online History Change Part Number Revision Release Date Description OL A0 2.1(1aPE1) NovemCreated Release notes for Cisco UCS Platform Emulator, Release 2.1 OL B0 2.1(1aPE2) DecemUpdated release information to support Release 2.1(1aPE2). Use this release notes as a supplement with the other documents listed in the documentation roadmap Make sure to review other available documentation on to obtain current information on Cisco UCS Platform Emulator.

This document also includes current information that became available after the technical documentation was published.

1 Release Notes for Cisco UCS Platform Emulator, Release 2.1(1aPE3) First Published: NovemPart Number: Current Release: 2.1(1aPE3) This document describes system requirements, new features, images information, resolved caveats, known caveats and workarounds for Cisco UCS Platform Emulator, Release 2.1(1aPE3).